EpiSphere Dashboards
Dashboards for multiple Episphere projects.
Code at github.com/episphere/dashboard.
To make experimenting with shared libraries easier, the different dashboards are developed in subdirectories of the dashboard repository.
This is just an idea, it makes sense for more formal team-based development to fall back to the conventional gitflow model.
- Jonas testing Praful's Connect API at https://episphere-connect.herokuapp.com.
- Bhaumik testing Praful's Connect API at https://episphere-connect.herokuapp.com.
- Jonas testing use of new tracking API (Aug 2019)from site's perspective
- Jonas testing approaches to participant recruitment, with and without token, site id etc.
- Bhaumik testing use of new tracking API (Aug 2019)from site's perspective
PWA Connect App
- Participant facing PWA Connect App.
Participant-facing Web App
- Developing the participant-facing eligibility/consent portal.
- Jonas experimenting with cross OAUTHed calls between NIH All-of-Us and DCEG Connect.
File upload
- Upload pathology reports to google cloud storage.