import * as Papa from "";
import {
} from "./mutationalSpectrum.js";
//#region Convert WGS MAF file to Panel MAF file
// Helper function to extract numeric part of a string
const extractNumber = (str) => parseInt(str.replace(/\D/g, ""), 10);
function downsampleWGSArray(WGSArray, panelArray) {
const includedRows = [];
// Convert all keys in WGSArray to lowercase
const WGSArrayLower = =>
Object.entries(row).map(([key, value]) => [key.toLowerCase(), value])
for (let i = 0; i < WGSArrayLower.length - 1; i++) {
const row = WGSArrayLower[i];
let filteredRow = panelArray.filter(
(panelRow) =>
extractNumber(panelRow["Chromosome"]) === extractNumber(row["chromosome"]) &&
parseInt(panelRow["Start_Position"], 10) <= parseInt(row["start_position"], 10) &&
parseInt(panelRow["End_Position"], 10) >= parseInt(row["end_position"], 10)
if (filteredRow.length > 0) {
return includedRows;
// Create a function that reads a csv file and returns a nested array of the data
async function readCSV(csvFile) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
Papa.default.parse(csvFile, {
download: true,
header: true,
complete: function (results) {
* Converts Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) mutation data into panel data by downsampling based on a BED file.
* This function takes WGS mutation annotation files (MAFs) and a BED file defining panel regions, then filters
* the WGS data to include only mutations within the specified panel regions.
* @async
* @function convertWGStoPanel
* @memberof userData
* @param {Array} WgMAFs - An array of WGS mutation data, where each element is an array representing mutations for a single sample.
* Each mutation record should be an object with fields such as `chromosome`, `start_position`, etc.
* @param {string|Array} panelDf - A BED file defining the regions of the panel or an array of arrays representing the panel regions.
* If a string is provided, it is treated as a file path to a BED file and read into memory.
* @returns {Array} - An array of downsampled MAFs, where each element corresponds to a sample from the input WGS data,
* filtered to include only mutations within the panel regions.
* @example
* // Example input:
* const WgMAFs = [
* [
* { chromosome: "1", start_position: 12345, Hugo_Symbol: "TP53", ... },
* { chromosome: "2", start_position: 67890, Hugo_Symbol: "BRCA1", ... },
* ...
* ],
* [
* { chromosome: "1", start_position: 54321, Hugo_Symbol: "KRAS", ... },
* { chromosome: "2", start_position: 98765, Hugo_Symbol: "EGFR", ... },
* ...
* ],
* ];
* const panelDf = "panel_regions.bed"; // Path to a BED file.
* // Convert WGS data to panel data
* const panelMAFs = await convertWGStoPanel(WgMAFs, panelDf);
* // Example output:
* // panelMAFs = [
* // [
* // { chromosome: "1", start_position: 12345, Hugo_Symbol: "TP53", ... },
* // ...
* // ],
* // [
* // { chromosome: "2", start_position: 98765, Hugo_Symbol: "EGFR", ... },
* // ...
* // ]
* // ];
async function convertWGStoPanel(WgMAFs, panelDf) {
// Check if the panel file is an array of arrays or a file path. If it is a file path, read the file and convert it to an array of arrays
let bed_file;
if (typeof panelDf === "string") {
bed_file = await readCSV(panelDf);
} else {
bed_file = panelDf;
const panelMAFs = [];
for (let WgMAF of WgMAFs) {
const downsampledWGSMAF = downsampleWGSArray(WgMAF, bed_file);
return panelMAFs;
* Converts mutational spectra into JSON objects for downstream processing or storage.
* This function takes mutation annotation format (MAF) files, mutational spectra data,
* and sample names, and outputs JSON objects representing the spectra in a structured format.
* @function convertMutationalSpectraIntoJSON
* @memberof userData
* @param {Array} MAFfiles - An array of arrays containing mutation annotation data for each sample.
* Each inner array represents a sample's mutation data, where each entry is an object with key-value pairs.
* @param {Object} mutSpec - An object representing the mutational spectra.
* Keys are patient identifiers, and values are objects with mutation types as keys and counts as values.
* @param {string} sample_name - The key in MAFfiles to be used as the sample identifier.
* @param {string} [dataType="WGS"] - The sequencing strategy, e.g., "WGS" (Whole Genome Sequencing) or "WES" (Whole Exome Sequencing).
* @returns {Array} - An array of arrays, where each inner array represents the JSON objects for a patient's mutational spectra.
* @throws {Error} - If the number of MAF files and the number of mutational spectra do not match.
* @example
* // Example input:
* const MAFfiles = [
* [{ sample_id: "Sample1", ch mosome: "1", start_position: "12345", ... }],
* [{ sample_id: "Sample2", ch mosome: "2", start_position: "67890", ... }]
* ];
* const mutSpec = {
* Patient1: { "A[C>A]A": 10, [C>A]C": 5, "A[C>A]G": 8, ... },
* Patient2: { "A[C>A]A": 7, " C>A]C": 4, "A[C>A]G": 6, ... }
* };
* const sample_name = "sample_id";
* const result = convertMutationalSpectraIntoJSON(MAFfiles, mutSpec, sample_name, "WES");
* console.log(result);
* @example
* // Example output:
* [
* [
* { sample: "Sample1", strategy: "WES", profile: "SBS", matrix: 96, mutationType: "C>A", mutations: 10 },
* { sample: "Sample1", strategy: "WES", profile: "SBS", matrix: 96, mutationType: "C>G", mutations: 5 },
* ...
* ],
* [
* { sample: "Sample2", strategy: "WES", profile: "SBS", matrix: 96, mutationType: "C>A", mutations: 7 },
* { sample: "Sample2", strategy: "WES", profile: "SBS", matrix: 96, mutationType: "C>G", mutations: 4 },
* ...
* ]
* ];
function convertMutationalSpectraIntoJSON(MAFfiles, mutSpec, sample_name, dataType = "WGS") {
// check if the length of the mutspec dictionary is the same as the length of the MAFfiles array
if (MAFfiles.length != Object.keys(mutSpec).length) {
throw new Error("The number of MAF files and the number of mutational spectra do not match");
// Convert all keys in MAFfiles to lowercase
MAFfiles = => {
return => {
const lowerCasedEntry = {};
for (const key in entry) {
lowerCasedEntry[key.toLowerCase()] = entry[key];
return lowerCasedEntry;
sample_name = sample_name.toLowerCase();
// loop through each mutational spectrum in the mutSpec dictionary and create a JSON object for each one
const mergedPatientJSONs = [];
let i = 0;
for (let patient in mutSpec) {
const patientJSON = [];
for (let mutationType in mutSpec[patient]) {
let mutSpecObj = {
"sample": MAFfiles[i][0][sample_name],
"strategy": dataType,
"profile": "SBS",
"matrix": 96,
"mutationType": mutationType,
"mutations": mutSpec[patient][mutationType],
return mergedPatientJSONs;
export {