* @file JS SDK for NCI DCEG's PLCO API. 〜( ̄▽ ̄〜)
* @version 1.0
* @author Eric Ruan, Erika Nemeth, Lorena Sandoval, Jonas Almeida
* @copyright 2021
console.log('plco.js loaded')
/* plco = {
date: new Date()
* Main global portable module.
* @namespace plco
* @property {Function} defineProperties - {@link plco.defineProperties}
* @property {Function} explorePhenotypes - {@link plco.explorePhenotypes}
* @property {Function} loadScript - {@link plco.loadScript}
* @property {Function} saveFile - {@link plco.saveFile}
plco = async () => {
// plco.loadScript("https://cdn.plot.ly/plotly-latest.min.js")
// console.log("plotly.js loaded")
* TEMP work-around for the CORS issue, do NOT use in the final SDK.
* Instead, fetch the blob from the API and use a blob link just like in jmat.
* Modified from https://github.com/jonasalmeida/jmat.
* @param {string} url The download link.
* @returns {HTMLAnchorElement} HTMLAnchorElement.
plco.saveFile = (url) => {
// TODO downloadgwas is not up yet, so i will make change later once its fixed
url = url || 'https://downloadgwas.cancer.gov/j_breast_cancer.tsv.gz'
let a = document.createElement('a')
a.href = url
a.target = '_blank'
return a
* Saves a JSON as a .json file.
* @param {object} contents A JS object.
* @param {string} fileName The name of the file without extensions.
* @returns {HTMLAnchorElement} HTMLAnchorElement.
plco.downloadJSON = (contents, fileName = 'plot') => {
const a = document.createElement('a')
//a.href = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(contents))], {
a.href = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([JSON.stringify(contents)], {
type: 'text/plain'
a.setAttribute('download', fileName + '.json')
return a
* Adds a style tag containing css for some plot elements.
plco.addStyle = () => {
const style = document.createElement('style')
style.innerHTML = `
.loader {
border: 16px solid #f3f3f3; /* Light grey */
border-top: 16px solid #3498db; /* Blue */
border-radius: 50%;
width: 120px;
height: 120px;
animation: spin 2s linear infinite;
position: absolute;
z-index: 10;
top: 50%;
left: 40%;
@keyframes spin {
0% { transform: rotate(0deg); }
100% { transform: rotate(360deg); }
window.onload = (_) => {
plco.addDownloadLink = (id, f) => {
if (document.getElementById(id + 'download-json')) {
document.getElementById(id + 'download-json').remove()
const div = document.createElement('div')
div.id = id + 'download-json'
const button = document.createElement('button')
button.innerHTML = 'download json'
button.onclick = (async (_) => {
let data = await (f())
const supElement = document.createElement('sup')
supElement.innerHTML = `<a target='_blank' href='https://episphere.github.io/plot/'>plot</a>`
* Adds a key-value pair as specified in `m_fields` and `o_fields` to `obj` if the key does not already exist.
* @param {object} obj An object.
* @param {object} m_fields Mandatory fields.
* @param {object} [o_fields={}] Optional fields. Same as `m_fields`, but will not add in the key-value pair if value is undefined.
plco.defineProperties = (obj, m_fields, o_fields = {}) => {
Object.keys(m_fields).forEach((key) => {
if (typeof obj[key] === 'undefined') {
obj[key] = m_fields[key]
Object.keys(o_fields).forEach((key) => {
if (
typeof obj[key] === 'undefined' &&
typeof o_fields[key] !== 'undefined'
) {
obj[key] = o_fields[key]
* Creates and attaches a new script tag to head with script src pointing at `url`.
* @param {string} url
* @param {string} host
* @returns {HTMLScriptElement} HTMLScriptElement
plco.loadScript = async (url, host) => {
let s = document.createElement('script')
s.src = url
return document.head.appendChild(s)
// plco.plotTest = async (
// chr = 1,
// div,
// url = 'https://exploregwas-dev.cancer.gov/plco-atlas/api/\
// summary?phenotype_id=3080&sex=female&ancestry=east_asian&p_value_nlog_min=2&raw=true'
// ) => {
// let xx = await (await fetch(url)).json()
// div = div || document.createElement('div')
// let dt = xx.data.filter(x => x[4] == chr)
// trace = {
// x: dt.map(d => d[5]),
// y: dt.map(d => d[6]),
// mode: 'markers',
// type: 'scatter'
// }
// let layout = {
// title: `Chromosoome ${chr}`,
// xaxis: {
// title: 'position'
// },
// yaxis: {
// title: '-log(p)'
// }
// }
// plco.Plotly.newPlot(div, [trace], layout)
// return div
// }
// plco.typeCheckAttributes = (obj = {}) => {
// const typeKey = {
// phenotype_id: 'integer',
// raw: 'string'
// }
// Object.keys(obj).forEach((key) => {
// if (typeKey[key] === 'string' && typeof obj[key] !== 'string') {
// throw new TypeError(`${key} is not of type ${typeKey[key]}`)
// } else if (typeKey[key] === 'integer' && !Number.isInteger(obj[key])) {
// throw new TypeError(`${key} is not of type ${typeKey[key]}`)
// }
// })
// }
* Provides a way to explore all the available phenotypes.
* @param {boolean} [flatten=false] If 'true', returns an array of objects instead of a tree.
* @param {boolean} [mini=false] If 'true', removes keys from the objects to provide a condensed view.
* @param {boolean} [graph=false] If 'true', returns a Plotly chart instead of an array of objects.
* @param {string} div_id Used when graph is 'true', plots a Plotly chart at that container.
* @param {object} [customLayout={}] _Optional_. Contains Plotly supported layout key-values pair that will overwrite the default layout. Commonly overwritten values may include height and width of the graph. See: https://plotly.com/javascript/reference/layout/ for more details. Also, set `to_json` to true to see what the default layout is.
* @param {object} [customConfig={}] _Optional_. Contains Plotly supported config key-values pair that will overwrite the default config. See: https://github.com/plotly/plotly.js/blob/master/src/plot_api/plot_config.js#L22-L86 for full details.
* @returns An array of objects.
plco.explorePhenotypes = async (
flatten = false,
mini = false,
graph = false,
customLayout = {},
customConfig = {},
) => {
let phenotypes_json = await plco.api.phenotypes()
if (flatten) {
let queue = []
let r = []
for (let i = 0; i < phenotypes_json.length; i++) {
let root = phenotypes_json[i]
while (true) {
let removed = queue.splice(0, 1)[0]
if (removed === undefined) break
if (removed.children === undefined) continue
else {
if (Array.isArray(removed.children)) {
for (let j = 0; j < removed.children.length; j++) {
} else {
phenotypes_json = r
for (let i = 0; i < phenotypes_json.length; i++) {
let obj = phenotypes_json[i]
delete obj.children
if (mini) {
let queue = []
for (let i = 0; i < phenotypes_json.length; i++) {
let root = phenotypes_json[i]
while (true) {
let removed = queue.splice(0, 1)[0]
if (removed === undefined) break
delete removed.color
delete removed.import_date
delete removed.type
delete removed.age_name
delete removed.import_count
delete removed.parent_id
if (removed.children === undefined) continue
else {
if (Array.isArray(removed.children)) {
for (let j = 0; j < removed.children.length; j++) {
} else {
if (graph) {
// https://plotly.com/javascript/sunburst-charts/
let div = document.getElementById(div_id)
if (!div) {
div = document.createElement('div')
div.id = div_id
phenotypes_json = await plco.explorePhenotypes(true, false, false)
const data = [{
type: "sunburst",
ids: phenotypes_json.map(phenotype => phenotype.id),
labels: phenotypes_json.map(phenotype => phenotype.display_name),
parents: phenotypes_json.map(phenotype => phenotype.parent_id ? phenotype.parent_id : ''),
values: phenotypes_json.map(phenotype => phenotype.participant_count ? phenotype.participant_count : 0),
outsidetextfont: { size: 20, color: "#377eb8" },
leaf: { opacity: 0.6 },
marker: { line: { width: 2 } },
hovertext: phenotypes_json.map(phenotype => 'phenotype_id: ' + phenotype.id),
hoverinfo: 'label+text+value',
textposition: 'inside',
insidetextorientation: 'radial',
const layout = {
margin: { l: 0, r: 0, b: 0, t: 0 },
width: 800,
height: 800,
sunburstcolorway: phenotypes_json.map(phenotype => phenotype.color).filter(Boolean),
plco.Plotly.newPlot(div, data, layout, customConfig)
div.on('plotly_click', async ({ event, points }) => {
if (event.altKey) {
const part = await plco.api.participants({}, points[0].id, 'value,ancestry,sex', 0)
function helper(totalObject, cur, property) {
if (!totalObject['count_' + cur[property]] && cur[property] != null) {
const num = Number.parseInt(cur.counts)
if (isNaN(num))
totalObject['count_' + cur[property]] = 4
totalObject['count_' + cur[property]] = num
} else if (cur[property] != null) {
const num = Number.parseInt(cur.counts)
if (isNaN(num))
totalObject['count_' + cur[property]] = totalObject['count_' + cur[property]] + 4
totalObject['count_' + cur[property]] = totalObject['count_' + cur[property]] + num
function convertRowMajortoColMajor(numOfRows, numOfCols, arrays) {
let matrix = []
for (let i = 0; i < numOfCols; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < numOfRows; j++) {
return matrix
const data =
part.data.reduce((prev, cur) => {
const found = prev.find(obj => obj.value === cur.value)
if (!found) {
let addToArray = {
value: cur.value,
count: isNaN(Number.parseInt(cur.counts)) ? 4 : Number.parseInt(cur.counts),
helper(addToArray, cur, 'sex')
helper(addToArray, cur, 'ancestry')
} else {
found.count = found.count +
(isNaN(Number.parseInt(cur.counts)) ? 4 : Number.parseInt(cur.counts))
helper(found, cur, 'sex')
helper(found, cur, 'ancestry')
return prev
}, [])
const cellsVal = data.map(obj => Object.values(obj))
const cellsValPercent = data.map(obj => {
const newObj = {}
const keys = Object.keys(obj)
for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
let k = keys[i]
if (k === 'count') {
const totalCount = data.reduce((total, cur) => total + cur.count, 0)
newObj[k] = Math.round(Number.parseInt(obj[k]) / Number.parseInt(totalCount) * 100) + '%'
} else if (k === 'value')
newObj[k] = obj[k]
newObj[k] = Math.round(Number.parseInt(obj[k]) / Number.parseInt(obj.count) * 100) + '%'
return Object.values(newObj)
const headerVal = Object.keys(data[0])
const trace = [{
type: 'table',
columnwidth: headerVal.map((_) => 150),
header: {
values: headerVal,
fill: { color: "#d3d3d3" },
}, cells: {
values: convertRowMajortoColMajor(
cellsVal.length, cellsVal[0].length || 0, cellsVal)
const layout = {
updatemenus: [{
y: 1.0,
yanchor: 'top',
buttons: [{
method: 'restyle',
args: [{
cells: {
values: convertRowMajortoColMajor(
cellsVal.length, cellsVal[0].length || 0, cellsVal)
label: 'Normal',
}, {
method: 'restyle',
args: [{
cells: {
values: convertRowMajortoColMajor(
cellsVal.length, cellsVal[0].length || 0, cellsValPercent)
label: 'Percentage',
let div2 = document.getElementById(div_id + 'table')
if (!div2) {
div2 = document.createElement('div')
div2.id = div_id + 'table'
div2.innerHTML = ''
plco.Plotly.newPlot(div2, trace, layout)
return phenotypes_json
return phenotypes_json
* Fetches the result of the `url` from localForage if it exists else calls a HTTP request to the `url` and stores it into
* localForage.
* @param {string} url The url will be used as the key when storing its response into IndexedDB.
* @returns Url HTTP response.
plco.fetch = async (url) => {
try {
const value = await plco.localForage.getItem(url)
if (!value || (value && !value.data)) {
const apiResult = await (await fetch(url)).json()
await plco.localForage.setItem(url, { data: apiResult, date: Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000.0) })
return apiResult
} else if (value && value.date) {
if (Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000.0) - value.date > 604800) {
const apiResult = await (await fetch(url)).json()
await plco.localForage.setItem(url, { data: apiResult, date: Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000.0) })
return apiResult
} else {
return value.data
return value.data
} catch (error) {
* Sub-module grouping API methods.
* @memberof plco
* @namespace plco.api
* @property {Function} download - {@link plco.api.download}
* @property {Function} metadata - {@link plco.api.metadata}
* @property {Function} participants - {@link plco.api.participants}
* @property {Function} pca - {@link plco.api.pca}
* @property {Function} phenotypes - {@link plco.api.phenotypes}
* @property {Function} points - {@link plco.api.points}
* @property {Function} summary - {@link plco.api.summary}
* @property {Function} variants - {@link plco.api.variants}
* @property {Function} ping - {@link plco.api.ping}
plco.api = {}
plco.api.url = 'https://exploregwas.cancer.gov/plco-atlas/api/'
* Returns the status of the PLCO API.
plco.api.ping = async () => {
return (await fetch(plco.api.url + 'ping')).text()
plco.api.get = async (cmd = "ping", parms = {}) => {
// res = await fetch(...)
// content-type = await res.blob().type
if (cmd === "ping") {
return await (await fetch(plco.api.url + 'ping')).text() === "true"
} else if (cmd === 'download') {
if (parms['get_link_only'] === 'true') {
return (
await fetch(
plco.api.url + cmd + '?' + plco.api.parms2string(parms)
} else {
plco.api.url + cmd + '?' + plco.api.parms2string(parms)
return await new Promise((resolve) => resolve({}))
} else {
return await plco.fetch(plco.api.url + cmd + '?' + plco.api.parms2string(parms))
plco.api.string2parms = (
str = "phenotype_id=3080&sex=all&ancestry=east_asian&p_value_nlog_min=4"
) => {
let prm = {}
str.split('&').forEach(s => {
s = s.split('=')
prm[s[0]] = s[1]
return prm
plco.api.parms2string = (
prm = { phenotype_id: 3080, sex: "all", ancestry: "east_asian", p_value_nlog_min: 4 }
) => {
return Object.keys(prm).map(p => `${p}=${prm[p]}`).join('&')
* Downloads the original association results in tsv.gz format.
* @param {object | string | Array<Array>} parms A JSON object, query string, or 2-d array containing the query parameters.
* @param {integer} [phenotype_id=3080] A numeric phenotype id.
* @param {string} [get_link_only] _Optional_. If set to 'true', returns the download link instead of redirecting automatically to the file.
* @returns Results of the API call.
plco.api.download = async (
phenotype_id = 3080,
get_link_only = undefined
) => {
parms =
typeof parms === 'string'
? plco.api.string2parms(parms)
: Array.isArray(parms)
? Object.fromEntries(parms)
: parms
parms = parms || {
plco.defineProperties(parms, { phenotype_id }, { get_link_only })
return await plco.api.get((cmd = 'download'), parms)
* Retrieves metadata for phenotypes specified
* @param {object | string | Array<Array>} parms A JSON object, query string, or 2-d array containing the query parameters.
* @param {number} [phenotype_id=3080] A phenotype id.
* @param {string} [sex=female] A sex, which may be "all", "female", or "male".
* @param {string} [ancestry=european] A character vector specifying ancestries to retrieve data for.
* @param {string} [raw] _Optional_. If true, returns data in an array of arrays instead of an array of objects.
* @return A dataframe containing phenotype metadata
* @example
* plco.api.metadata()
* plco.api.metadata({ phenotype_id: 3080, sex: "female", ancestry: "european" })
* plco.api.metadata("phenotype_id=3080&sex=female&ancestry=european")
* plco.api.metadata([["phenotype_id",3080], ["sex","female"], ["ancestry","european"]])
* plco.api.metadata({}, 3080, "female", "european")
plco.api.metadata = async (
phenotype_id = 3080,
sex = "female",
ancestry = "european",
raw = undefined
) => {
parms =
typeof parms === 'string'
? plco.api.string2parms(parms)
: Array.isArray(parms)
? Object.fromEntries(parms)
: parms
parms = parms || {
plco.defineProperties(parms, { phenotype_id, sex, ancestry }, { raw })
return await plco.api.get((cmd = 'metadata'), parms)
* Retrieves aggregate counts for participants. Aggregate counts under 10 are returned as "< 10".
* @param {object | string | Array<Array>} parms A JSON object, query string, or 2-d array containing the query parameters.
* @param {integer} [phenotype_id=2250] A numeric phenotype id.
* @param {string} [columns] _Optional_. A character vector specifying properties for which to retrieve counts for.
* Valid properties are: value, ancestry, genetic_ancestry, sex, and age.
* @param {integer} [precision] _Optional_. For continuous phenotypes, a numeric value specifying the -log10(precision)
* to which values should be rounded to.
* @param {string} [raw] _Optional_. If true, returns data in an array of arrays instead of an array of objects.
* @returns Results of the API call.
plco.api.participants = async (
phenotype_id = 2250,
columns = undefined,
precision = undefined,
raw = undefined
) => {
parms =
typeof parms === 'string'
? plco.api.string2parms(parms)
: Array.isArray(parms)
? Object.fromEntries(parms)
: parms
parms = parms || {
columns: 'value',
precision: 0,
plco.defineProperties(parms, { phenotype_id }, { columns, precision, raw })
return await plco.api.get((cmd = 'participants'), parms)
* Retrieve PCA coordinates for the specified phenotype and platform.
* @param {object | string | Array<Array>} parms A JSON object, query string, or 2-d array containing the query parameters.
* @param {integer} [phenotype_id=3080] A numeric phenotype id.
* @param {string} [platform=PLCO_GSA] A character vector specifying the platform to retrieve data for.
* @param {integer} [pc_x=1] A numeric value (1-20) specifying the x axis's principal component.
* @param {integer} [pc_y=2] A numeric value (1-20) specifying the y axis's principal component.
* @param {integer} [limit] _Optional_. A numeric value to limit the number of variants returned (used for pagination).
* Capped at 1 million.
* @param {string} [raw] _Optional_. If true, returns data in an array of arrays instead of an array of objects.
* @returns A dataframe containing pca coordinates.
* @example
* plco.api.pca()
* plco.api.pca({}, 3080, 'PLCO_GSA', 1, 1, 1000)
* plco.api.pca({phenotype_id: 3080, platform: 'PLCO_GSA', pc_x: 1, pc_y: 1, limit: 1000 })
* plco.api.pca("phenotype_id=3080&platform=PLCO_GSA&pc_x=1&pc_y=1&limit=1000")
* plco.api.pca([["phenotype_id",3080], ["platform","PLCO_GSA"], ["pc_x",1], ["pc_y",1], ["limit",1000]])
plco.api.pca = async (
phenotype_id = 3080,
platform = 'PLCO_GSA',
pc_x = 1,
pc_y = 2,
limit = undefined,
raw = undefined
) => {
parms =
typeof parms === 'string'
? plco.api.string2parms(parms)
: Array.isArray(parms)
? Object.fromEntries(parms)
: parms
parms = parms || {
limit: 10,
plco.defineProperties(parms, { phenotype_id, platform, pc_x, pc_y }, { limit, raw })
if (!Number.isInteger(parms['pc_x']) || parms['pc_x'] < 1 || parms['pc_x'] > 20) {
throw new RangeError('pc_x must be an integer between 1 and 20 inclusive.')
if (!Number.isInteger(parms['pc_y']) || parms['pc_y'] < 1 || parms['pc_y'] > 20) {
throw new RangeError('pc_y must be an integer between 1 and 20 inclusive.')
return await plco.api.get((cmd = 'pca'), parms)
* Retrieves phenotypes
* @param {object | string | Array<Array>} parms A JSON object, query string, or 2-d array containing the query parameters.
* @param {string} [q] _Optional_. A query term
* @param {string} [raw] _Optional_. If true, returns data in an array of arrays instead of an array of objects.
* @return If query is specified, a list of phenotypes that contain the query term is returned. Otherwise, a tree of all phenotypes is returned.
* @example
* plco.api.phenotypes()
* plco.api.phenotypes({ q: "first_ca125_level" })
* plco.api.phenotypes("q=first_ca125_level")
* plco.api.phenotypes([["q","first_ca125_level"]])
* plco.api.phenotypes({}, "first_ca125_level")
plco.api.phenotypes = async (
q = undefined,
raw = undefined
) => {
parms =
typeof parms === 'string'
? plco.api.string2parms(parms)
: Array.isArray(parms)
? Object.fromEntries(parms)
: parms
parms = parms || {
plco.defineProperties(parms, {}, { q, raw })
return await plco.api.get(cmd = "phenotypes", parms)
* Retrieves sampled variants suitable for visualizing a QQ plot for the specified phenotype, sex, and ancestry.
* @param {object | string | Array<Array>} parms A JSON object, query string, or 2-d array containing the query parameters.
* @param {integer} [phenotype_id=3080] A numeric phenotype id.
* @param {string} [sex=female] A character vector specifying a sex to retrieve data for.
* @param {string} [ancestry=european] A character vector specifying ancestries to retrieve data for.
* @param {string} [raw] _Optional_. If true, returns data in an array of arrays instead of an array of objects.
* @returns A dataframe containing variants.
plco.api.points = async (
phenotype_id = 3080,
sex = 'female',
ancestry = 'european',
raw = undefined
) => {
parms =
typeof parms === 'string'
? plco.api.string2parms(parms)
: Array.isArray(parms)
? Object.fromEntries(parms)
: parms
parms = parms || {
plco.defineProperties(parms, { phenotype_id, sex, ancestry }, { raw })
return await plco.api.get((cmd = 'points'), parms)
* Retrieve variants for all chromosomes at a resolution of 400x800 bins across the whole genome and specified -log10(p) range
* @param {object | string | Array<Array>} parms A JSON object, query string, or 2-d array containing the query parameters.
* @param {number} [phenotype_id=3080] A phenotype id.
* @param {string} [sex=female] A sex, which may be "all", "female", or "male".
* @param {string} [ancestry=european] A character vector specifying ancestries to retrieve data for.
* @param {number} [p_value_nlog_min=4] A numeric value >= 0 specifying the minimum -log10(p) for variants.
* @param {string} [raw] _Optional_. If true, returns data in an array of arrays instead of an array of objects.
* @return A dataframe with aggregated variants.
* @example
* plco.api.summary()
* plco.api.summary({ phenotype_id: 3080, sex: "female", ancestry: "european", p_value_nlog_min: 4 })
* plco.api.summary("phenotype_id=3080&sex=female&ancestry=european&p_value_nlog_min=4")
* plco.api.summary([["phenotype_id",3080], ["sex","female"], ["ancestry","european"], ["p_value_nlog_min",4]])
* plco.api.summary({}, 3080, "female", "european", 4)
plco.api.summary = async (
phenotype_id = 3080,
sex = "female",
ancestry = "european",
p_value_nlog_min = 4,
raw = undefined
) => {
parms =
typeof parms === 'string'
? plco.api.string2parms(parms)
: Array.isArray(parms)
? Object.fromEntries(parms)
: parms
parms = parms || {
plco.defineProperties(parms, { phenotype_id, sex, ancestry, p_value_nlog_min }, { raw })
return await plco.api.get(cmd = "summary", parms)
* Retrieve variants for specified phenotype, sex, ancestry, chromosome, and other optional fields.
* @param {object | string | Array<Array>} parms A JSON object, query string, or 2-d array containing the query parameters.
* @param {number} [phenotype_id=3080] Phenotype id(s)
* @param {string} [sex=female] A sex, which may be "all", "female", or "male".
* @param {string} [ancestry=european] An ancestry, which may be "african_american", "east_asian", or "european".
* @param {number} [chromosome=8] A chromosome number.
* @param {string} [columns] _Optional_ Properties for each variant. Default: all properties.
* @param {string} [snp] _Optional_ Snps.
* @param {number} [position] _Optional_ The exact position of the variant within a chromosome.
* @param {number} [position_min] _Optional_ The minimum chromosome position for variants.
* @param {number} [position_max] _Optional_ The maximum chromosome position for variants.
* @param {number} [p_value_nlog_min] _Optional_ The minimum -log10(p) of variants in the chromosome.
* @param {number} [p_value_nlog_max] _Optional_ The maximum -log10(p) of variants in the chromosome.
* @param {number} [p_value_min] _Optional_ The minimum p-value of variants in the chromosome.
* @param {number} [p_value_max] _Optional_ The maximum p-value of variants in the chromosome.
* @param {string} [orderBy] _Optional_ A property to order variants by. May be "id", "snp", "chromosome", "position", "p_value", or "p_value_nlog".
* @param {string} [order] _Optional_ An order in which to sort variants. May be "asc" or "desc".
* @param {number} [offset] _Optional_ The number of records by which to offset the variants (for pagination)
* @param {number} [limit] _Optional_ The maximum number of variants to return (for pagination). Highest allowed value is 1 million.
* @param {string} [raw] _Optional_. If true, returns data in an array of arrays instead of an array of objects.
* @return A dataframe with variants.
* @example
* plco.api.variants()
* plco.api.variants({ phenotype_id: 3080, sex: "female", ancestry: "european", chromosome: 8, limit: 10 })
* plco.api.variants("phenotype_id=3080&sex=female&ancestry=european&chromosome=8&limit=10")
* plco.api.variants([["phenotype_id",3080], ["sex","female"], ["ancestry","european"], ["chromosome",8], ["limit",10]])
* plco.api.variants({}, 3080, "female", "european", 8)
plco.api.variants = async (
phenotype_id = 3080,
sex = "female",
ancestry = "european",
chromosome = 8,
columns = undefined,
snp = undefined,
position = undefined,
position_min = undefined,
position_max = undefined,
p_value_nlog_min = undefined,
p_value_nlog_max = undefined,
p_value_min = undefined,
p_value_max = undefined,
orderBy = undefined,
order = undefined,
offset = undefined,
limit = undefined,
raw = undefined
) => {
parms =
typeof parms === 'string'
? plco.api.string2parms(parms)
: Array.isArray(parms)
? Object.fromEntries(parms)
: parms
parms = parms || {
limit: 10
{ phenotype_id, sex, ancestry, chromosome },
{ columns, snp, position, position_min, position_max, p_value_nlog_min, p_value_nlog_max, p_value_min, p_value_max, orderBy, order, offset, limit, raw }
return await plco.api.get(cmd = "variants", parms)
let scriptHost=location.href.replace(/\/[^\/]*$/,'/')
return plco
* Sub-module grouping plotting methods.
* @memberof plco
* @namespace plco.plot
* @prop {Function} manhattan - {@link plco.plot.manhattan}
* @prop {Function} manhattan2 - {@link plco.plot.manhattan2}
* @prop {Function} qq - {@link plco.plot.qq}
* @prop {Function} qq2 - {@link plco.plot.qq2}
* @prop {Function} pca - {@link plco.plot.pca}
* @prop {Function} pca2 - {@link plco.plot.pca2}
* @prop {Function} barchart - {@link plco.plot.barchart}
plco.plot = async () => {
* Generates a Plotly manhattan plot at the given div element with support for a single input.
* @param {string} div_id The id of the div element. If it does not exist, a new div will be created.
* @param {number} [phenotype_id=3080] A phenotype id.
* @param {string} [sex=female] A sex, which may be "all, "female", or "male".
* @param {string} [ancestry=european] An ancestry, which may be "african_american", "east_asian" or "european".
* @param {number} [p_value_nlog_min=2] A numeric value >= 0 specifying the minimum -log10(p) for variants.
* @param {integer} [chromosome] _Optional_ A single chromosome. If no chromosome argument is passed, then assume all chromosomes.
* @param {boolean} [to_json=false] _Optional_ If true, returns a stringified JSON object containing traces and layout.
* If false, returns a div element containing the Plotly graph.
* @param {object} [customLayout={}] _Optional_. Contains Plotly supported layout key-values pair that will overwrite the default layout. Commonly overwritten values may include height and width of the graph. See: https://plotly.com/javascript/reference/layout/ for more details. Also, set `to_json` to true to see what the default layout is.
* @param {object} [customConfig={}] _Optional_. Contains Plotly supported config key-values pair that will overwrite the default config. See: https://github.com/plotly/plotly.js/blob/master/src/plot_api/plot_config.js#L22-L86 for full details.
* @returns A div element or a string if 'to_json' is true.
* @example
* plco.plot.manhattan()
* plco.plot.manhattan('plot', 3080, "female", "european", 2, 18)
plco.plot.manhattan = async (
phenotype_id = 3080,
sex = 'female',
ancestry = 'european',
p_value_nlog_min = 2,
to_json = false,
customLayout = {},
customConfig = {},
) => {
const isValid = await plco.plot.helpers.validateInputs([{ phenotype_id, sex, ancestry }])
if (isValid.length <= 0) throw new Error('Invalid inputs, check the phenotype_id/sex/ancestry provided.')
// Set up div, in which Plotly graph may be inserted.
let div = document.getElementById(div_id)
if (div === null && !to_json) {
div = document.createElement('div')
div.id = div_id
// Retrieve all summary data.
let inputData = await plco.api.summary({ phenotype_id, sex, ancestry, p_value_nlog_min })
// Filter summary data if chromosome number was specified, and set associated variables for later.
let chromosomeName
let numberOfChromosomes
if (chromosome) {
inputData = inputData.data.filter(x => x.chromosome == "" + chromosome)
chromosomeName = 'Chromosome ' + chromosome
numberOfChromosomes = 1
} else {
inputData = inputData.data
chromosomeName = 'All Chromosomes'
numberOfChromosomes = 22
// Retrieve rs number for all SNPs if a chromosome number was passed as an argument.
let rsNumbers = []
if (numberOfChromosomes == 1) {
let rsNumbers_allData = await plco.api.variants(
{ p_value_nlog_min, orderBy: 'id', order: 'asc' }, phenotype_id, sex, ancestry, chromosome)
rsNumbers_allData.data.map(x => rsNumbers.push({
snp: x.snp, position_abs: x.position, p_value_nlog: x.p_value_nlog
// Set up traces
let traces = []
let chromosomeTraces = []
let currentChromosome
let largestY = p_value_nlog_min
for (i = 1; i <= numberOfChromosomes; i++) {
if (numberOfChromosomes == 1) {
currentChromosome = chromosome
} else {
currentChromosome = i
if (numberOfChromosomes == 1) {
currentChromosomeData = rsNumbers
} else {
currentChromosomeData = inputData.filter(x => x.chromosome == "" + currentChromosome)
const traceInfo = {
x: currentChromosomeData.map(x => parseInt(x.position_abs)),
y: currentChromosomeData.map(x => parseFloat(x.p_value_nlog)),
mode: 'markers',
type: 'scattergl',
marker: {
opacity: 0.65,
size: 5
name: 'Chromosome ' + currentChromosome, // appears as legend item
hovertemplate: currentChromosomeData.map(x =>
'absolute position: ' + parseInt(x.position_abs) +
'<br>p-value: ' + Math.pow(10, -x.p_value_nlog)
largestY = traceInfo.y.reduce((largest, cur) => largest > cur ? largest : cur, largestY)
x: [traceInfo.x.reduce((smallest, cur) => cur > smallest ? smallest : cur, Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER)],
y: [p_value_nlog_min],
mode: 'markers',
type: 'scattergl',
marker: {
size: 0,
opacity: 0,
color: '#FFFFFF',
hoverinfo: 'none',
xaxis: 'x2',
showlegend: false,
name: 'C. ' + currentChromosome,
if (numberOfChromosomes == 1) {
for (i = 0; i < traces[0].hovertemplate.length; i++) {
traces[0].hovertemplate[i] += '<br>snp: ' + rsNumbers[i].snp
traces = traces.concat(chromosomeTraces)
let layout = {
title: 'SNPs in ' + chromosomeName,
xaxis: {
title: 'absolute position',
position: '0.0',
showgrid: false,
tickfont: {
color: 'black',
size: 15
xaxis2: {
title: '',
overlaying: 'x',
anchor: 'free',
position: '1.0',
tickmode: 'array',
tickvals: chromosomeTraces.map(trace => trace.x[0]),
ticktext: chromosomeTraces.map(trace => trace.name),
yaxis: {
title: '-log<sub>10</sub>(p)',
fixedrange: numberOfChromosomes !== 1,
hovermode: 'closest',
height: 700,
width: 1200,
updatemenus: [{
y: 1.2,
yanchor: 'top',
buttons: [
method: 'relayout',
args: ['yaxis.range', [2, largestY]],
label: '2 (default)'
method: 'relayout',
args: ['yaxis.range', [4, largestY]],
label: '4'
method: 'relayout',
args: ['yaxis.range', [6, largestY]],
label: '6'
method: 'relayout',
args: ['yaxis.range', (largestY > 8 ? [8, largestY] : [largestY, 8])],
label: '8+'
colorway: ['#FF0000', '#800000'],
let config = {
scrollZoom: true,
// experimental
const chromosomeAbsPos =
chromosomeTraces.map(trace => ({
val: trace.x[0],
chromosomeNum: Number.parseInt(trace.name.split(' ')[1])
if (!to_json) {
plco.Plotly.newPlot(div, traces, layout, config)
const man2Selector = document.getElementById(div_id + 'selector')
if (man2Selector) man2Selector.remove()
const oldCheckbox = document.getElementById(div_id + 'checkbox')
if (oldCheckbox) oldCheckbox.remove()
const oldLabel = document.getElementById(div_id + 'label')
if (oldLabel) oldLabel.remove()
const checkbox = document.createElement('input')
checkbox.type = 'checkbox'
checkbox.id = div_id + 'checkbox'
const label = document.createElement('label')
label.id = div_id + 'label'
label.for = div_id + 'checkbox'
label.innerHTML = 'Allow graph to fetch additional information on zoom'
div.on('plotly_relayout', async (eventdata) => {
if (checkbox.checked && eventdata['xaxis2.range[0]'] && eventdata['xaxis2.range[1]']) {
const findStart = chromosomeAbsPos.find(({ val }) => val >= eventdata['xaxis2.range[0]'])
plco.plot.helpers.addLoaderDiv(div, async () => await plco.plot.manhattan(div_id, phenotype_id, sex, ancestry, p_value_nlog_min, findStart.chromosomeNum))
else if (checkbox.checked) {
plco.plot.helpers.addLoaderDiv(div, async () => await plco.plot.manhattan(div_id, phenotype_id, sex, ancestry, p_value_nlog_min, undefined))
} else { return }
if (numberOfChromosomes === 1) {
div.on('plotly_click', eventdata => {
let resSnp = eventdata.points[0].hovertemplate.split(' ')[4]
eventdata.points[0].hovertemplate + '<br>Info:<br><a href="https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/snp/' +
resSnp + '">' + resSnp + '</a>',
() => plco.plot.manhattan(div_id, phenotype_id, sex, ancestry, p_value_nlog_min,
chromosome, true, customLayout, customConfig))
return div
} else {
//let tracesString = '{"traces":' + JSON.stringify(traces) + ','
//let layoutString = '"layout":' + JSON.stringify(layout) + ','
//let configString = '"config":' + JSON.stringify(config) + '}'
//return tracesString + layoutString + configString
return {
* Generates a Plotly manhattan plot at the given div element with support for multiple inputs.
* @param {string} div_id The id of the div element. If it does not exist, a new div will be created.
* @param {Array} arrayOfObjects Accepts an array of objects containing the following keys: phenotype_id, sex, ancestry.
* @param {number} [p_value_nlog_min=2] A numeric value >= 0 specifying the minimum -log10(p) for variants.
* @param {number} [chromosome=undefined] _Optional_. Leave it undefined to plot all chromosomes. Else use an integer [1-22].
* @param {boolean} [to_json=false] _Optional_ If true, returns a stringified JSON object containing traces and layout.
* If false, returns a div element containing the Plotly graph.
* @param {object} [customLayout={}] _Optional_. Contains Plotly supported layout key-values pair that will overwrite the default layout. Commonly overwritten values may include height and width of the graph. See: https://plotly.com/javascript/reference/layout/ for more details. Also, set `to_json` to true to see what the default layout is.
* @param {object} [customConfig={}] _Optional_. Contains Plotly supported config key-values pair that will overwrite the default config. See: https://github.com/plotly/plotly.js/blob/master/src/plot_api/plot_config.js#L22-L86 for full details.
* @returns A div element or a string if 'to_json' is true.
* @example
* await plco.plot.manhattan2('plot', [{phenotype_id: 3080, ancestry: 'european', sex: 'female'},{phenotype_id: 3080, ancestry: 'east_asian', sex: 'female'}])
plco.plot.manhattan2 = async (
p_value_nlog_min = 2,
to_json = false,
customLayout = {},
customConfig = {},
) => {
const validObjects = await plco.plot.helpers.validateInputs(arrayOfObjects)
if (validObjects.length < 2) throw new Error('Incorrect number of arguments.')
let div = document.getElementById(div_id)
if (div === null && !to_json) {
div = document.createElement('div')
div.id = div_id
let [inputData1, inputData2] = await Promise.all([
plco.api.summary(Object.assign(validObjects[0], { p_value_nlog_min })),
plco.api.summary(Object.assign(validObjects[1], { p_value_nlog_min }))
let chromosomeName
let numberOfChromosomes
if (chromosome) {
inputData1 = inputData1.data.filter(x => x.chromosome == "" + chromosome)
inputData2 = inputData2.data.filter(x => x.chromosome == "" + chromosome)
chromosomeName = 'Chromosome ' + chromosome
numberOfChromosomes = 1
} else {
inputData1 = inputData1.data
inputData2 = inputData2.data
chromosomeName = 'All Chromosomes'
numberOfChromosomes = 22
let rsNumbers1 = []
let rsNumbers2 = []
if (numberOfChromosomes === 1) {
const promises = []
validObjects.forEach((metadataObj) => {
const { phenotype_id, sex, ancestry } = metadataObj
{ p_value_nlog_min, orderBy: 'id', order: 'asc' }, phenotype_id, sex, ancestry, chromosome))
const resultsOfPromises = await Promise.all(promises) // huge bottleneck
resultsOfPromises.forEach((arr, index) => {
if (index === 0)
arr.data.forEach(x => rsNumbers1.push({
snp: x.snp, position_abs: x.position, p_value_nlog: x.p_value_nlog, chromosome: x.chromosome
arr.data.forEach(x => rsNumbers2.push({
snp: x.snp, position_abs: x.position, p_value_nlog: x.p_value_nlog, chromosome: x.chromosome
// Set up traces
let traces = []
let traces2nd = []
let currentChromosome
let maxYInTraces = p_value_nlog_min
let largestYOne = p_value_nlog_min
let largestYTwo = p_value_nlog_min
const createTrace = (inputData, isFirst, currentChromosome) => {
let index = isFirst ? 0 : 1
currentChromosomeData = inputData.filter(x => x.chromosome == "" + currentChromosome)
const traceInfo = {
x: currentChromosomeData.map(x => parseInt(x.position_abs)),
y: currentChromosomeData.map(x => parseFloat(x.p_value_nlog)),
mode: 'markers',
type: 'scattergl',
marker: {
opacity: 0.65,
size: 5,
name: 'Chromosome ' + currentChromosome +
('<br>' + validObjects[index].phenotype_id + '<br>' + validObjects[index].ancestry),
// appears as legend item
hovertemplate: currentChromosomeData.map(x =>
'absolute position: ' + parseInt(x.position_abs) +
'<br>p-value: ' + Math.pow(10, -x.p_value_nlog)
if (!isFirst) {
traceInfo.xaxis = 'x'
traceInfo.yaxis = 'y2'
if (isFirst) {
largestYOne = traceInfo.y.reduce((max, cur) => cur > max ? cur : max, largestYOne)
} else {
largestYTwo = traceInfo.y.reduce((max, cur) => cur > max ? cur : max, largestYTwo)
return traceInfo
for (i = 1; i <= numberOfChromosomes; i++) {
if (numberOfChromosomes == 1)
currentChromosome = chromosome
currentChromosome = i
...createTrace(numberOfChromosomes == 1 ? rsNumbers1 : inputData1, true, currentChromosome),
marker: {
opacity: 0.65,
size: 5,
color: i % 2 === 1 ? '#FF0000' : '#800000',
...createTrace(numberOfChromosomes == 1 ? rsNumbers2 : inputData2, false, currentChromosome),
marker: {
opacity: 0.65,
size: 5,
color: i % 2 === 1 ? '#5A26FF' : '#1B0071',
traces = traces.concat(traces2nd)
if (numberOfChromosomes == 1) {
for (let tracesNum = 0; tracesNum <= 1; tracesNum++) {
for (i = 0; i < traces[tracesNum].hovertemplate.length; i++) {
if (tracesNum === 0)
traces[tracesNum].hovertemplate[i] += '<br>snp: ' + rsNumbers1[i].snp
traces[tracesNum].hovertemplate[i] += '<br>snp: ' + rsNumbers2[i].snp
maxYInTraces = largestYOne > largestYTwo ? largestYOne : largestYTwo
let layout = {
title: 'SNPs in ' + chromosomeName,
xaxis: {
title: 'absolute position',
showgrid: false,
tickfont: {
color: 'black',
size: 15
yaxis: {
title: '-log<sub>10</sub>(p)',
yaxis2: {
range: [maxYInTraces, p_value_nlog_min],
hovermode: 'closest',
height: 700,
width: 1200,
grid: {
rows: 2,
columns: 1,
subplots: [['xy2'], ['xy']],
roworder: 'bottom to top',
ygap: 0.05,
plot_bgcolor: '#fff',
colorway: ['#f3cec9', '#e7a4b6', '#cd7eaf', '#a262a9', '#6f4d96', '#3d3b72', '#182844'],
updatemenus: [{
y: 1.0,
yanchor: 'top',
buttons: [
method: 'relayout',
args: ['yaxis.range', [2, largestYOne]],
label: '2 (default)'
method: 'relayout',
args: ['yaxis.range', [4, largestYOne]],
label: '4'
method: 'relayout',
args: ['yaxis.range', [6, largestYOne]],
label: '6'
method: 'relayout',
args: ['yaxis.range', (largestYOne > 8 ? [8, largestYOne] : [largestYOne, 8])],
label: '8+'
}, {
y: 0.6,
yanchor: 'top',
buttons: [
method: 'relayout',
args: ['yaxis2.range', [largestYTwo, 2]],
label: '2 (default)'
method: 'relayout',
args: ['yaxis2.range', [largestYTwo, 4]],
label: '4'
method: 'relayout',
args: ['yaxis2.range', [largestYTwo, 6]],
label: '6'
method: 'relayout',
args: ['yaxis2.range', (largestYTwo > 8 ? [largestYTwo, 8] : [8, largestYTwo])],
label: '8+'
let config = {
scrollZoom: true,
responsive: true,
if (!to_json) {
const oldCheckbox = document.getElementById(div_id + 'checkbox')
if (oldCheckbox) oldCheckbox.remove()
const oldLabel = document.getElementById(div_id + 'label')
if (oldLabel) oldLabel.remove()
plco.Plotly.newPlot(div, traces, layout, config)
let selector = document.getElementById(div_id + 'selector')
if (selector) selector.remove()
selector = document.createElement('select')
selector.id = div_id + 'selector'
let label = document.getElementById(div_id + 'label')
if (label) label.remove()
label = document.createElement('label')
label.for = div_id + 'selector'
label.id = div_id + 'label'
label.innerHTML = 'View a single chromosome'
selector.onchange = async (event) => {
plco.plot.helpers.addLoaderDiv(div, async () =>
await plco.plot.manhattan2(div_id, arrayOfObjects, p_value_nlog_min, event.target.value,
to_json, customLayout, customConfig))
for (let i = 0; i <= 22; i++) {
if (i === 0) {
const optblank = document.createElement('option')
optblank.value = ''
optblank.innerHTML = ' '
const opt = document.createElement('option')
opt.value = ''
opt.innerHTML = 'All'
} else {
const opt = document.createElement('option')
opt.value = i
opt.innerHTML = i
if (numberOfChromosomes === 1) {
div.on('plotly_click', eventdata => {
let resSnp = eventdata.points[0].hovertemplate.split(' ')[4]
eventdata.points[0].hovertemplate +
'<br>Info:<br><a href="https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/snp/' + resSnp + '">' + resSnp + '</a>',
() => plco.plot.manhattan2(div_id, arrayOfObjects, p_value_nlog_min,
chromosome, true, customLayout, customConfig))
return div
} else {
//let tracesString = '{"traces":' + JSON.stringify(traces) + ','
//let layoutString = '"layout":' + JSON.stringify(layout) + ','
//let configString = '"config":' + JSON.stringify(config) + '}'
//return tracesString + layoutString + configString
return {
* Generates a Plotly quartile-quartile plot at the given div element with support for a single input.
* @param {string} div_id The id of the div element, if it does not exist, a new div will be created.
* @param {number} [phenotype_id=3080] A phenotype id.
* @param {string} [sex=female] A sex, which may be "all", "female", or "male".
* @param {string} [ancestry=east_asian] A character vector specifying ancestries to retrieve data for.
* @param {boolean} [to_json=false] _Optional_. If true, returns a stringified JSON object containing traces and layout.
* Else, returns a div element containing the Plotly graph.
* @param {object} [customLayout={}] _Optional_. Contains Plotly supported layout key-values pair that will overwrite the default layout. Commonly overwritten values may include height and width of the graph. See: https://plotly.com/javascript/reference/layout/ for more details. Also, set `to_json` to true to see what the default layout is.
* @param {object} [customConfig={}] _Optional_. Contains Plotly supported config key-values pair that will overwrite the default config. See: https://github.com/plotly/plotly.js/blob/master/src/plot_api/plot_config.js#L22-L86 for full details.
* @returns A div element or a string if `to_json` is true.
* @example
* await plco.plot.qq('plot', 3080, 'female', 'east_asian')
plco.plot.qq = async (
phenotype_id = 3080,
sex = 'female',
ancestry = 'east_asian',
to_json = false,
customLayout = {},
customConfig = {},
) => {
* @type {Array<object>} Each object in the array has the properties defined below.
* @prop {integer} id
* @prop {integer} phenotype_id
* @prop {string} phenotype_name
* @prop {string} phenotype_display_name
* @prop {string} sex
* @prop {string} ancestry
* @prop {string} chromosome
* @prop {number} lambda_gc
* @prop {number} lambda_gc_ld_score
* @prop {integer} count
const metadata = (await plco.plot.helpers.validateInputs([{ phenotype_id, sex, ancestry }]))[0]
if (metadata === undefined || metadata['count'] === null) {
throw new Error('No data found for this combination of sex and/or ancestry.')
* @type {object} Object with the following props:
* @prop {Array<object>} data
* @prop {Array<string>} columns
const points = await plco.api.points({}, phenotype_id, sex, ancestry)
let div = document.getElementById(div_id)
if (div === null && !to_json) {
div = document.createElement('div')
div.id = div_id
const trace = {
x: points.data.map(p => p.p_value_nlog_expected),
y: points.data.map(p => p.p_value_nlog),
type: 'scattergl',
mode: 'markers',
marker: {
color: '#A71515',
size: 4,
opacity: 0.75
// customdata is an array containing more data on each of the individual point corresponding to indices of x
// this is useful later with the onClick event
customdata: points.data.map((point) => ({
variantId: point['id'],
p: Math.pow(10, -point['p_value_nlog']),
text: points.data.map(point =>
'Variant Id: ' + point['id'] +
'<br>p-value: ' + Math.pow(10, -point['p_value_nlog']) +
'<br>Click to learn more.'),
hoverinfo: 'text+x+y+name',
name: `${metadata.phenotype_display_name}, ${sex}, ${ancestry}`,
const max = points.data.reduce(
(max, cur) => cur.p_value_nlog_expected > max ? cur.p_value_nlog_expected : max, 0)
const traceLine = {
x: [0, max],
y: [0, max],
type: 'scattergl', // scattergl seems to load faster than scatter, else no major diff
mode: 'line',
marker: {
color: '#BBB',
opacity: 0.4,
size: 0.1,
hoverinfo: 'none',
showlegend: false,
const layout = {
hoverlabel: {
bgcolor: '#FFF',
bordercolor: '#BBB',
font: {
size: 14,
color: '#212529',
width: 750,
height: 750,
title: {
`\u03BB (median) = ${metadata['lambda_gc']} <b>|</b>` +
`\u03BB (LD score) = ${metadata['lambda_gc_ld_score']} <b>|</b> ` +
`Number of variants = ${metadata['count']}`,
font: {
size: 14,
color: 'black'
xaxis: {
automargin: true,
rangemode: 'tozero',
showgrid: false,
fixedrange: false,
title: {
text: '<b>Expected -log<sub>10</sub>(p)</b>',
font: {
size: 15,
color: 'black'
ticklen: 10, // Length of the tick marks on the x-axis
tickwidth: 1,
dtick: 0.5,
tickfont: {
size: 12,
color: 'black'
yaxis: {
automargin: true,
rangemode: 'tozero',
showgrid: true,
fixedrange: false,
title: {
text: '<b>Observed -log<sub>10</sub>(p)</b>',
font: {
size: 15,
color: 'black'
ticklen: 10, // Length of the tick marks on the y-axis
tickwidth: 1,
dtick: 0.5,
tickfont: {
size: 12,
color: 'black'
clickmode: 'event',
hovermode: 'closest', // When a point is hovered, it will display their (x, y) coordinate
dragmode: 'pan',
showlegend: false,
const config = {
scrollZoom: true,
displaylogo: false,
modeBarButtonsToRemove: [
if (!to_json) {
plco.Plotly.newPlot(div, [traceLine, trace], layout, config)
div.on('plotly_click', async (data) => {
console.log(data) // contains the custom data
// An array
const { points } = data
for (let i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
try {
const res = await plco.api.get('variants', {
id: points[i].customdata.variantId,
columns: 'chromosome,position,snp',
const { chromosome: resChromosome, position: resPosition, snp: resSnp } = res.data[0]
let updatedText = points[i].data.text.slice()
let filteredText = updatedText[points[i].pointIndex].substring(0, updatedText[points[i].pointIndex].indexOf('Click'))
updatedText[points[i].pointIndex] = filteredText + `<br>Chromosome: ${resChromosome} <br>` +
`Position: ${resPosition} <br> SNP: ${resSnp}`
filteredText + `Chromosome: ${resChromosome} <br>` +
`Position: ${resPosition} <br> SNP: ${resSnp}` +
'<br><a href="https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/snp/' + resSnp + '">' + 'Learn more at dbSNP: ' +
resSnp + '</a>',
plco.Plotly.restyle(div, { text: [updatedText] }, [1])
} catch (e) {
() => plco.plot.qq(div_id, phenotype_id, sex, ancestry, true, customLayout, customConfig))
return div
} else {
const tracesString = '{"traces":' + JSON.stringify([traceLine, trace]) + ','
const layoutString = '"layout":' + JSON.stringify(layout) + ','
const configString = '"config":' + JSON.stringify(config) + '}'
return tracesString + layoutString + configString
return {
* Generates a Plotly quartile-quartile plot at the given div element with support for multiple inputs.
* @param {string} div_id The id of the div element, if it does not exist, a new div will be created.
* @param {Array} arrayOfObjects Accepts an array of objects containing the following keys: phenotype_id, sex, ancestry.
* @param {boolean} [to_json=false] _Optional_. If true, returns a stringified JSON object containing traces and layout.
* Else, returns a div element containing the Plotly graph.
* @param {object} [customLayout={}] _Optional_. Contains Plotly supported layout key-values pair that will overwrite the default layout. Commonly overwritten values may include height and width of the graph. See: https://plotly.com/javascript/reference/layout/ for more details. Also, set `to_json` to true to see what the default layout is.
* @param {object} [customConfig={}] _Optional_. Contains Plotly supported config key-values pair that will overwrite the default config. See: https://github.com/plotly/plotly.js/blob/master/src/plot_api/plot_config.js#L22-L86 for full details.
* @returns A div element or a string if `to_json` is true.
* @example
* await plco.plot.qq2('plot', [{phenotype_id:3080, sex:'female', ancestry:'east_asian'}, {phenotype_id:3080, sex:'female', ancestry:'european'}, {phenotype_id: 3550, sex:'all', ancestry:'east_asian'}])
plco.plot.qq2 = (
arrayOfObjects = [],
to_json = false,
customLayout = {},
customConfig = {},
) => {
const promises = []
arrayOfObjects.forEach((obj) => {
const { phenotype_id, sex, ancestry } = obj
if (!phenotype_id || !sex || !ancestry) {
console.error('An object is missing mandatory fields, skipping ...')
} else {
plco.plot.qq('', phenotype_id, sex, ancestry, true)
.catch(() => {
console.error('Unable to fetch data, skipping...')
return undefined
* @type {Array<object>} Each object has the following props:
* @prop {Array<object>} traces
* @prop {object} layout
return Promise.all(promises)
.then((_) => _.filter(Boolean)) // Filters out all undefined and null
.then((arrayOfJsonStr) => arrayOfJsonStr.map((str) => JSON.parse(str)))
.then((arrayOfJson) => {
if (arrayOfJson.length === 0) return
const colors = ['#01A5E4', '#FFBF65', '#FF5768', '#8DD7C0', '#FF96C6']
let div = document.getElementById(div_id)
if (div === null && !to_json) {
div = document.createElement('div')
div.id = div_id
const traces = [arrayOfJson[0].traces[0]]
arrayOfJson.forEach((obj, index) => {
marker: {
color: colors[index % colors.length],
size: 4,
opacity: 0.6
const layout = {
showlegend: true,
width: 900,
height: 900,
hoverlabel: {
title: {
text: arrayOfJson.reduce((word, cur, index) =>
word + traces[index + 1].name + ' ' + cur.layout.title.text + '<br>', ''),
font: {
size: 12,
color: 'black'
const config = {
scrollZoom: true,
displaylogo: false,
modeBarButtonsToRemove: [
if (!to_json) {
plco.Plotly.newPlot(div, traces, layout, config)
div.on('plotly_click', async (data) => {
console.log(data) // contains the custom data
// An array
const { points } = data
for (let i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
try {
const { variantId: id, phenotype_id, sex, ancestry } = points[i].customdata
const res = await plco.api.get('variants', {
columns: 'chromosome,position,snp',
const { chromosome: resChromosome, position: resPosition, snp: resSnp } = res.data[0]
let updatedText = points[i].data.text.slice()
let filteredText = updatedText[points[i].pointIndex].substring(0, updatedText[points[i].pointIndex].indexOf('Click'))
updatedText[points[i].pointIndex] = filteredText + `<br>Chromosome: ${resChromosome} <br>` +
`Position: ${resPosition} <br> SNP: ${resSnp}`
filteredText + `Chromosome: ${resChromosome} <br>` +
`Position: ${resPosition} <br> SNP: ${resSnp}` +
'<br><a href="https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/snp/' + resSnp + '">' + resSnp + '</a>',
plco.Plotly.restyle(div, { text: [updatedText] }, [points[i].curveNumber])
} catch (e) {
() => plco.plot.qq2(div_id, arrayOfObjects, true, customLayout, customConfig))
return div
} else {
//const tracesString = '{"traces":' + JSON.stringify(traces) + ','
//const layoutString = '"layout":' + JSON.stringify(layout) + ','
//const configString = '"config":' + JSON.stringify(config) + '}'
//return tracesString + layoutString + configString
return {
* Generates a Plotly PCA plot at the given div element with support for a single input.
* @param {string} div_id The id of the div element, if it does not exist, a new div will be created.
* @param {number} phenotype_id A phenotype id.
* @param {string} sex A sex, which may be "all", "female", or "male".
* @param {string} ancestry A character vector specifying ancestries to retrieve data for.
* @param {boolean} [to_json=false] _Optional_. If true, returns a stringified JSON object containing traces and layout.
* Else, returns a div element containing the Plotly graph.
* @param {object} [customLayout={}] _Optional_. Contains Plotly supported layout key-values pair that will overwrite the default layout. Commonly overwritten values may include height and width of the graph. See: https://plotly.com/javascript/reference/layout/ for more details. Also, set `to_json` to true to see what the default layout is.
* @param {object} [customConfig={}] _Optional_. Contains Plotly supported config key-values pair that will overwrite the default config. See: https://github.com/plotly/plotly.js/blob/master/src/plot_api/plot_config.js#L22-L86 for full details.
* @returns A div element or a string if `to_json` is true.
* @example
* await plco.plot.pca('plot', 3080, 'female', 'east_asian')
plco.plot.pca = async (
to_json = false,
customLayout = {},
customConfig = {}
) => {
return await plco.plot.pca2(div_id, [{ phenotype_id, sex, ancestry }], to_json, customLayout, customConfig)
* Generates a Plotly PCA plot at the given div element with support for multiple inputs.
* @param {string} div_id The id of the div element, if it does not exist, a new div will be created.
* @param {Array} arrayOfObjects Accepts an array of objects containing the following keys: phenotype_id, sex, ancestry.
* @param {boolean} [to_json=false] _Optional_. If true, returns a stringified JSON object containing traces and layout.
* Else, returns a div element containing the Plotly graph.
* @param {object} [customLayout={}] _Optional_. Contains Plotly supported layout key-values pair that will overwrite the default layout. Commonly overwritten values may include height and width of the graph. See: https://plotly.com/javascript/reference/layout/ for more details. Also, set `to_json` to true to see what the default layout is.
* @param {object} [customConfig={}] _Optional_. Contains Plotly supported config key-values pair that will overwrite the default config. See: https://github.com/plotly/plotly.js/blob/master/src/plot_api/plot_config.js#L22-L86 for full details.
* @returns A div element or a string if `to_json` is true.
* @example
* await plco.plot.pca2('plot', [{phenotype_id: 3080, sex: 'female', ancestry: 'east_asian'}, {phenotype_id: 3080, sex: 'female', ancestry: 'european'}])
plco.plot.pca2 = async (
to_json = false,
customLayout = {},
customConfig = {}
) => {
let pc_x = 1
let pc_y = 2
* Metadata
* @type {Array<object>} Each object in the array has the properties defined below.
* @prop {integer} id
* @prop {integer} phenotype_id
* @prop {string} phenotype_name
* @prop {string} phenotype_display_name
* @prop {string} sex
* @prop {string} ancestry
* @prop {string} chromosome
* @prop {number} lambda_gc
* @prop {number} lambda_gc_ld_score
* @prop {integer} count
* @type {object}
* @prop {Array} columns
* @prop {Array} data - `data` is an array of object that has the following props:
* pc_x, pc_y, ancestry, sex, value
let div = document.getElementById(div_id)
if (div === null && !to_json) {
div = document.createElement('div')
div.id = div_id
// Other are the points that do not share the inputted ancestry or sex or value == null
// Control are the same ancestry and sex, but value == null or 0
// Cases are the same ancestry and sex, but value != null and != 0
const traces = await plco.plot.helpers.pcaHelper(arrayOfObjects, 'PLCO_GSA', 1, 2)
const layout = {
hovermode: 'closest',
dragmode: 'pan',
clickmode: 'event',
width: 800,
height: 800,
autosize: true,
xaxis: {
automargin: true,
showgrid: false,
title: {
text: `<b>PC-X ${(pc_x || '1')}</b>`,
font: {
size: 14,
color: 'black'
tick0: 0,
ticklen: 10,
tickfont: {
size: 10,
color: 'black'
yaxis: {
automargin: true,
showgrid: false,
title: {
text: `<b>PC-Y ${(pc_y || '2')}</b>`,
font: {
size: 14,
color: 'black'
tick0: 0,
ticklen: 10,
tickfont: {
size: 10,
color: 'black'
showlegend: true,
legend: {
title: {
font: {
size: 12,
color: 'grey'
itemdoubleclick: false,
orientation: 'v',
x: 0.0,
y: 1.2
const config = {
scrollZoom: true,
responsive: true,
toImageButtonOptions: {
format: 'svg',
filename: 'pca_plot',
height: 1000,
width: 1000,
scale: 1
displaylogo: false,
modeBarButtonsToRemove: [
const dropdownLayout = await plco.plot.helpers.pcaCreateDropdownLayout(arrayOfObjects, 1, 2)
if (!to_json) {
plco.Plotly.newPlot(div, traces, Object.assign(layout, dropdownLayout), config)
plco.plot.helpers.pcaGenerateXYInputs(div_id, arrayOfObjects, layout, config)
() => plco.plot.pca2(div_id, arrayOfObjects, true, customLayout, customConfig))
return div
} else {
//const tracesString = '{"traces":' + JSON.stringify(traces) + ','
//const layoutString = '"layout":' + JSON.stringify(Object.assign(layout, dropdownLayout)) + ','
//const configString = '"config":' + JSON.stringify(config) + '}'
//return tracesString + layoutString + configString
return {
layout:Object.assign(layout, dropdownLayout),
* Generates a Plotly barchart showing the breakdown of participants by gender and ancestry for that phenotype.
* @param {string} div_id The id of the div element, if it does not exist, a new div will be created.
* @param {number} phenotype_id A phenotype id.
* @param {boolean} [to_json=false] _Optional_. If true, returns a stringified JSON object containing traces and layout.
* Else, returns a div element containing the Plotly graph.
* @param {object} [customLayout={}] _Optional_. Contains Plotly supported layout key-values pair that will overwrite the default layout. Commonly overwritten values may include height and width of the graph. See: https://plotly.com/javascript/reference/layout/ for more details. Also, set `to_json` to true to see what the default layout is.
* @param {object} [customConfig={}] _Optional_. Contains Plotly supported config key-values pair that will overwrite the default config. See: https://github.com/plotly/plotly.js/blob/master/src/plot_api/plot_config.js#L22-L86 for full details.
* @returns A div element or a string if `to_json` is true.
plco.plot.barchart = async (
to_json = false,
customLayout = {},
customConfig = {}
) => {
const [uniqueValues, participantData] = await Promise.all([
plco.api.participants({}, phenotype_id, 'value', 0).then(res => res.data),
plco.api.participants({}, phenotype_id, 'value,ancestry,sex', 0).then(res => res.data)
const traces = []
uniqueValues.forEach(({ value }, index) => {
for (let sex of ['male', 'female']) {
const filteredArray = participantData.filter(partObj =>
partObj.value === value && partObj.sex === sex && partObj.ancestry != null)
if (filteredArray.length > 0) {
if (index != 0)
x: filteredArray.map(partObj => partObj.ancestry),
y: filteredArray.map(partObj =>
isNaN(Number.parseInt(partObj.counts)) ? 10 : Number.parseInt(partObj.counts)),
xaxis: `x${index + 1}`,
yaxis: `y${index + 1}`,
type: 'bar',
name: value + ', ' + sex
x: filteredArray.map(partObj => partObj.ancestry),
y: filteredArray.map(partObj =>
isNaN(Number.parseInt(partObj.counts)) ? 10 : Number.parseInt(partObj.counts)),
type: 'bar',
name: value + ', ' + sex
const layout = {
grid: { rows: uniqueValues.length, columns: 1, pattern: 'independent' },
height: 800,
dragmode: 'pan',
barmode: 'group',
title: {
text: 'Frequency of partipicants by ancestry and sex',
font: {
size: 21,
color: 'black'
xaxis: {
showgrid: false,
title: {
text: 'Ancestry',
font: {
size: 15,
color: 'black'
yaxis: {
showgrid: true,
title: {
text: 'Number of participants',
font: {
size: 15,
color: 'black'
showlegend: true,
legend: {
x: 1,
xanchor: 'right',
y: 1
for (let i = 1; i < uniqueValues.length; i++) {
layout[`xaxis${i + 1}`] = {
title: 'Ancestry',
font: {
size: 15,
color: 'black'
layout[`yaxis${i + 1}`] = {
title: 'Number of participants',
font: {
size: 15,
color: 'black'
const config = {
scrollZoom: true,
responsive: true,
if (!to_json) {
let div = document.getElementById(div_id)
if (div === null && !to_json) {
div = document.createElement('div')
div.id = div_id
plco.Plotly.newPlot(div, traces, layout, config)
return div
} else {
//const tracesString = '{"traces":' + JSON.stringify(traces) + ','
//const layoutString = '"layout":' + JSON.stringify(layout) + ','
//const configString = '"config":' + JSON.stringify(config) + '}'
//return tracesString + layoutString + configString
return {
* A collection of helper methods for plotting, not intended to be used on its own.
* @memberof plco.plot
plco.plot.helpers = {}
plco.plot.helpers.addLoaderDiv = async (div, f) => {
const tempDiv = document.createElement('div')
let top = div.getBoundingClientRect().top + window.pageYOffset - div.ownerDocument.documentElement.clientTop
tempDiv.style.top = `${top}px`
div.style = 'display: none;'
await (f())
div.style = ''
plco.plot.helpers.qqplotHoverTooltip = (div, div_id, text, colors, curveNumber = 1) => {
let top = div.getBoundingClientRect().top + window.pageYOffset - div.ownerDocument.documentElement.clientTop
let randint = Math.round(Math.random() * 1000)
let hoverDiv = document.getElementById(div_id + 'hoverdiv' + randint)
if (!hoverDiv) {
hoverDiv = document.createElement('div')
hoverDiv.id = div_id + 'hoverdiv' + randint
hoverDiv.innerHTML = text
hoverDiv.style =
`position:absolute;top:${top}px;left:40%;z-index:10;background-color:${colors[(curveNumber - 1) % colors.length]};` +
`text-align:center; border: 1px solid #000; cursor:move; padding:10px; font-size: 0.7rem;`
hoverDiv.className = 'plotHoverDivs'
let closeButton = document.createElement('button')
closeButton.addEventListener('click', function () { this.parentElement.remove() })
closeButton.id = div_id + 'closeButton' + randint
closeButton.innerHTML = 'Close'
closeButton.style = 'display:block;'
hoverDiv.addEventListener('mousedown', e => {
down = true
startX = e.clientX // global vars
startY = e.clientY // global vars
hoverDiv.addEventListener('mouseup', e => {
down = false
hoverDiv.addEventListener('mousemove', e => {
try {
if (down) {
hoverDiv.style.left = hoverDiv.offsetLeft - (startX - e.clientX) + 'px'
hoverDiv.style.top = hoverDiv.offsetTop - (startY - e.clientY) + 'px'
startX = e.clientX // global vars
startY = e.clientY // global vars
} catch (e) {
down = false
plco.plot.helpers.validateInputs = async (
arrayOfObjects = []
) => {
const promises = []
arrayOfObjects.forEach(({ phenotype_id, sex, ancestry }) => {
if (phenotype_id && sex && ancestry) {
plco.api.metadata({ chromosome: 'all' }, phenotype_id, sex, ancestry)
.then(array => array[0])
.then(metadata => {
if (metadata === undefined || metadata['count'] === null) {
throw new Error('No data found for this combination of sex and/or ancestry.')
} else
return metadata
.catch(() => {
console.error('Unable to fetch data, skipping...')
return undefined
return (await Promise.all(promises)).filter(Boolean)
plco.plot.helpers.pcaGenerateTraces = async (
) => {
// [light, dark]
const colors = [['#FF626F', '#B2444D'], ['#FFD5A6', '#CCAA84'],
['#8DD7C0', '#6BA392'], ['#01A7FF', '#0085CC']]
const pcaPromises = []
validArray.forEach((obj) =>
plco.api.pca({}, obj.phenotype_id, platform, pc_x, pc_y)
// Pca [] should have a one-to-one correspondence with validArray []
const pcadatas = await Promise.all(pcaPromises).catch(() => [])
if (pcadatas.length === 0) return []
const baseTrace = {
type: 'scattergl',
hoverinfo: 'x+y',
showlegend: true,
mode: 'markers',
const traces = []
const otherTraces = []
pcadatas.forEach((item, index) => {
try {
// Create the other traces first
const others = item.data.filter(obj =>
obj.ancestry !== validArray[index].ancestry ||
obj.sex !== validArray[index].sex || obj.value === null
x: others.map(obj => obj.pc_x),
y: others.map(obj => obj.pc_y),
marker: {
color: '#A6A6A6',
size: 4,
opacity: 0.35
name: 'Other, Count: ' + others.length
const controls = item.data.filter(obj =>
obj.ancestry === validArray[index].ancestry &&
obj.sex === validArray[index].sex && (obj.value === null || obj.value === 0)
const cases = item.data.filter(obj =>
obj.ancestry === validArray[index].ancestry &&
obj.sex === validArray[index].sex && (obj.value !== null && obj.value !== 0)
const controlsTrace = {
x: controls.map(obj => obj.pc_x),
y: controls.map(obj => obj.pc_y),
marker: {
color: colors[index % colors.length][1],
size: 5,
opacity: 0.65
name: `Controls ${validArray[index].phenotype_display_name}, ${validArray[index].ancestry}, ` +
`${validArray[index].sex[0]}, Count: ${controls.length}`
const casesTrace = {
x: cases.map(obj => obj.pc_x),
y: cases.map(obj => obj.pc_y),
marker: {
color: colors[index % colors.length][0],
size: 5,
opacity: 0.65
name: `Cases ${validArray[index].phenotype_display_name}, ${validArray[index].ancestry}, ` +
`${validArray[index].sex[0]}, Count: ${cases.length}`
traces.push(controlsTrace, casesTrace)
catch (_) {
console.error('PC_X and PC_Y cannot be equal.')
return otherTraces.concat(traces)
plco.plot.helpers.pcaHelper = async (
) => {
const metadatas = await plco.plot.helpers.validateInputs(arrayOfObjects)
const traces = await plco.plot.helpers.pcaGenerateTraces(metadatas, platform, pc_x, pc_y)
return traces
plco.plot.helpers.pcaCreateDropdownLayout = async (validArray, pc_x, pc_y) => {
// https://plotly.com/javascript/dropdowns/
const layout = {
updatemenus: [{
y: 1.2,
yanchor: 'top',
buttons: [],
const platforms = ['PLCO_GSA', 'PLCO_Omni5', 'PLCO_Omni25', 'PLCO_Oncoarray', 'PLCO_OmniX']
const promises = []
const metadatas = await plco.plot.helpers.validateInputs(validArray)
for (let i = 0; i < platforms.length; i++) {
plco.plot.helpers.pcaGenerateTraces(metadatas, platforms[i], pc_x, pc_y)
.then((traces) => {
method: 'restyle',
args: [{ x: traces.map(t => t.x), y: traces.map(t => t.y) }],
label: platforms[i],
await Promise.all(promises)
return layout
plco.plot.helpers.pcaGenerateXYInputs = (div_id, arrayOfObjects, layout, config) => {
let xSelector = document.getElementById(div_id + 'xSelector')
if (xSelector) {
xSelector = document.createElement('select')
xSelector.id = div_id + 'xSelector'
xSelector.title = 'pcaSelector'
let ySelector = document.getElementById(div_id + 'ySelector')
if (ySelector) {
ySelector = document.createElement('select')
ySelector.id = div_id + 'ySelector'
ySelector.title = 'pcaSelector'
let xLabel = document.getElementById(div_id + 'xLabel')
if (xLabel) {
xLabel = document.createElement('label')
xLabel.for = div_id + 'xSelector'
xLabel.innerHTML = 'PC_X: '
xLabel.id = div_id + 'xLabel'
let yLabel = document.getElementById(div_id + 'yLabel')
if (yLabel) {
yLabel = document.createElement('label')
yLabel.for = div_id + 'ySelector'
yLabel.innerHTML = 'PC_Y: '
yLabel.id = div_id + 'yLabel'
for (let i = 1; i <= 20; i++) {
const opt = document.createElement('option')
opt.text = i
if (i === 1) continue
const opt2 = document.createElement('option')
opt2.text = i
const opt3 = document.createElement('option')
opt3.text = 1
async function eventListener() {
const xVal = Number.parseFloat(xSelector.value)
const yVal = Number.parseFloat(ySelector.value)
const traces = await plco.plot.helpers.pcaHelper(arrayOfObjects, 'PLCO_GSA', xVal, yVal)
const dropdownLayout = await plco.plot.helpers.pcaCreateDropdownLayout(arrayOfObjects, xVal, yVal)
plco.Plotly.newPlot(div_id, traces, Object.assign({
xaxis: { ...layout.xaxis, title: { text: `<b>PC-X ${(xVal || '2')}</b>` } },
yaxis: { ...layout.yaxis, title: { text: `<b>PC-Y ${(yVal || '2')}</b>` } },
}, dropdownLayout), config)
xSelector.addEventListener('change', eventListener, false)
ySelector.addEventListener('change', eventListener, false)
const div = document.getElementById(div_id)
if (typeof (define) != 'undefined') {
// define({ proto: plco })
define(['https://cdn.plot.ly/plotly-latest.min.js', 'localforage'], (Plotly, localforage) => {
plco.Plotly = Plotly
plco.localForage = localforage
return plco
} else {
// satisfy Plotly dependency already
let s = plco.loadScript('https://cdn.plot.ly/plotly-latest.min.js')
s.then(async s => {
s.onload = () => {
plco.Plotly = Plotly
let script2 = plco.loadScript('https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/localforage/1.10.0/localforage.min.js')
script2.then(async s => {
s.onload = () => {
plco.localForage = localforage